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发表于 2015-6-19 15:28:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国北京
本帖最后由 器官移植网 于 2015-7-21 21:34 编辑

The World Transplant Games Federation completed its siteevaluation trip last week.  The following information is updated to reflect the latest information regarding the 2015 World Games Registration Process. The deadlines for registration have changed. The new - and only - deadline for registration is now 23 July. Teams can now register, change information,withdraw, etc. at any time between now and 23 July. There will be no penalty fee for registrations before 23 July. And as previously stated, after the deadline, there are no refunds except for athletes who are rejected for competition.

Registration Fee.  As you know, the registration fee for the Games is $1,100 US dollars (children's fees are slightly less). This fee includes airport transfers, hotel double accommodations, all meals, and admission to all events and social activities beginning with dinner on August 23 and ending with breakfast on August 30 - a total of seven nights. If you desire a single room, the extra fee is $850. If you wish to arrive before 23 August, the fee for extra nights before or after the regular dates of the Games is $97.50 US dollars per person per night, double occupancy (meals are not included with extra nights). There is now an additional tab in the Argentine online registration system for team managers to add extra nights for team members. Hotels for the Games are 4-star or higher. Teams will be assigned to hotels after each team size is known. This will probably be done, according to the LOC, near the registration deadline, 23 July. There will also be an option to register without accommodation or most meals for about $400-$500 less, but there will be no access to transportation services. More on this will be forthcoming from the LOC.

Payments. On or after 23 July, teams will be invoiced by the LOC for their team members who are registered. The registration fee will be broken into two parts - $110 US dollars will be sent directly to the WTGF by each team to pay for the cost of insurance and other Federation items. The LOC will invoice each team for the balance for all accommodations, etc. This will be explained in a separate email in a few days.

Airport Pickup. Plans for airport pickup remain the same. Beginning on 21 August, there will be coaches from both airports in Buenos Aires to take Games participants to Mar del Plata. There will be coordinators outside the arrival area who will collect participants and direct them to coaches. Additional  information on this will be forthcoming.

Mar del Plata Transportation. The LOC plans to assign appropriate transport to each team for their use during the Games.  This is dependent on your team size. For larger teams, there will be a coach for every 50 team members. We are told that team managers will have control and direction on what
these vehicles do and where they will go. More on this will be forthcoming from the LOC.

Visas. As you know there was a mailing from the LOC concerning visas. The LOC is actively investigating the exact details of the visa question and which countries - if any - will need to apply for visas. More information on this hopefully will be available in the next few days.

Team Assistance/Translation. The LOC plans to provide a team assistant/translator to each team for the duration of your time in Mar del Plata. If your team is greater than 50 people, a second assistant will be provided, with an additional assistant for every 50 additional team members.

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发表于 2015-6-19 17:17:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国河南洛阳
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发表于 2015-6-19 21:06:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国重庆
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发表于 2015-6-20 09:27:41 来自手机哦!! | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国安徽
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发表于 2015-6-21 20:11:51 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国河南洛阳
   •     注册截至日期:7月23日(不会再有改动)
   •     注册费用:1100美金(儿童的费用略低,具体价格还未确定)
   •     付款详情
   •     机场接送
   机场接送的计划保持不变。从8月21日起,有车从布宜诺斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)的两个机场接参赛选手去马德普拉塔(Mar del Plata),另外在机场的到达区域会有协调员集合和引导参赛选手去找车。关于机场接送的其他信息会陆续发布。
   •     马德普拉塔(Mar del Plata)的交通
   在赛事期间,LOC准备为每个参赛队伍,根据其队伍大小,配备合适的交通工具 。对于大型队伍,每50各队员即配备一辆车,队长需要管理交通工具的使用详情。LOC会陆续更新交通安排。
   •     签证

   •     队伍助理兼翻译
   在马德普拉塔(Mar delPlata)期间,LOC准备为每个参赛队伍提供一个队伍助理兼翻译(队伍每多50人,将会增加一名助理)。
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发表于 2015-6-22 19:18:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏南通

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-21 21:33:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-21 21:36:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-21 21:42:37 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京

WTG 2015 Medical Guidelines for Participants.pdf

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